Memory designer | Empresario Provocateur | Emotion Orchestrator

Today the world is fragmented, chaotic, even unpredictable. Memories and offer an escape. To make the most of that opportunity, experiences must have meaning, coherence and shape. We design the experiences; we turn the experiences into a lasting memory; and we communicate the individuals story. We make moments matter.
We all have access to the same amount of letters in the alphabet— yet, depending on our execution of these letters and how they are sequenced it is possible to influence anyone, persuade millions of people, change the entire world — and even trigger specific reactions at will and create lasting memories.
THAT is the power of communication and memory design.
It is the art and science of using language to convey, persuade, sell, and in essence: control one's own destiny.
It's APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY in its highest form.
Which is why I am fascinated with the subject and have spent over two decades studying, and practicing the craft.
In this wild world of communication and memory creation, I consider the following people to be my most influential teachers: Frank Kern, David Ogilvy, Seth Godin, Al Ries, Jack Trout, Donald Passman, Steven Pressfield, Chris Odom, Carl Jung, Alfred Kinsey, Austin Kleon, Erik Von Markovik, Jon Taffer, and Ivan Pavlov.
I owe tremendous gratitude for these teachers for passing down their wisdom.
I can tell you that I have never looked at memories and the words and communication that creates them the same again and the application of their collective wisdom has had profound effects on my own life.